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Advanced topics on federated entities

This article describes complex behaviors of federated entities beyond those covered in entity basics.

Advanced @keys

A single entity can have multiple @keys. Additionally, a @key can include multiple fields, and even arbitrarily nested fields.

Multiple @keys

You can define more than one @key for an entity, when applicable.

In this example, a Product entity can be uniquely identified by either its id or its sku:

Products subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") @key(fields: "sku") {
id: ID!
sku: String!
name: String!
price: Int

This pattern is helpful when different subgraphs interact with different fields of an entity. For example, a reviews subgraph might refer to products by their ID, whereas an inventory subgraph might use SKUs.

A subgraph that references an entity without contributing any fields can include the fields of any @key in its stub definition:

Reviews subgraph
# Either:
type Product @key(fields: "id", resolvable: false) {
id: ID!
# Or:
type Product @key(fields: "sku", resolvable: false) {
sku: String!

Compound @keys

A single @key can consist of multiple fields, and even nested fields.

In this example, the User entity's primary key consists of both a user's id and the id of that user's associated Organization:

Users subgraph
type User @key(fields: "id organization { id }") {
id: ID!
organization: Organization!
type Organization {
id: ID!

Migrating entities and fields

As your federated graph grows, you might decide that you want to move an entity's definition (or a particular field of an entity) to a different subgraph. This section describes how to perform these migrations.

Entity migration

Let's say our Payments subgraph defines a Bill entity:

Payments subgraph
type Bill @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
amount: Int!
type Payment {
# ...

Then, we add a dedicated Billing subgraph to our federated graph. It now makes sense to define the Bill entity there instead. When we're done migrating, we want our deployed subgraph schemas to look like this:

Payments subgraph
type Payment {
# ...
Billing subgraph
type Bill @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
amount: Int!

The steps for this migration depend on how you perform schema composition:

Field migration

The steps for migrating an individual field are nearly identical in form to the steps for migrating an entire entity.

If you're using managed federation, follow the steps in the With managed federation section above, but apply the @override directive to the individual field you're migrating instead of all fields.

If you're using local composition with Rover, see below for a field migration example.

Local composition example

Let's say our Products subgraph defines a Product entity, which includes the boolean field inStock:

Products subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
inStock: Boolean!

Then, we add an Inventory subgraph to our federated graph. It now makes sense for the inStock field to originate in the Inventory subgraph instead, like this:

Products subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
Inventory subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
inStock: Boolean!

We can perform this migration with the following steps (additional commentary on each step is provided in Entity migration):

  1. In the Inventory subgraph's schema, define the Product entity and include the inStock field:

    Products subgraph
    type Product @key(fields: "id") {
    id: ID!
    inStock: Boolean!
    Inventory subgraph
    type Product @key(fields: "id") {
    id: ID!
    inStock: Boolean!
  2. In the Inventory subgraph, add a resolver for the inStock field. This subgraph should resolve the field with the exact same logic as the resolver in the Products subgraph.

  3. Deploy the updated Inventory subgraph to your environment.

  4. In the Products subgraph's schema, remove the inStock field and its associated resolver:

    Products subgraph
    type Product @key(fields: "id") {
    id: ID!
    Inventory subgraph
    type Product @key(fields: "id") {
    id: ID!
    inStock: Boolean!
  5. Compose a new supergraph schema. Deploy a new version of your gateway that uses the updated schema.

  6. Deploy the updated Products subgraph to your environment.

Contributing computed entity fields

You can define fields of an entity that are computed based on the values of other entity fields that are resolved by a different subgraph.

For example, this Shipping subgraph adds a shippingEstimate field to the Product entity. This field is calculated based on the product's size and weight, which are defined in the Products subgraph:

Shipping subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
size: Int @external
weight: Int @external
shippingEstimate: String @requires(fields: "size weight")

As shown, you use the @requires directive to indicate which fields (and subfields) from other subgraphs are required. You also need to define the required fields and apply the @external directive to them. This directive tells the gateway, "This subgraph knows that these fields exist, but it can't resolve them itself."

In the above example, if a query requests a product's shippingEstimate, the gateway does the following, in order:

  1. It queries the Products subgraph for the product's size and weight.
  2. It queries the Shipping subgraph for the product's shippingEstimate. The size and weight are included in the Product object passed to the resolver for shippingEstimate:
Product: {
shippingEstimate(product) {
return computeShippingEstimate(, product.size, product.weight);

Using @requires with object subfields

If a computed field @requires a field that returns an object type, you also specify which subfields of that object are required. You list those subfields with the following syntax:

Shipping subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
dimensions: ProductDimensions @external
shippingEstimate: String @requires(fields: "dimensions { size weight }")

In this modification of the previous example, size and weight are now subfields of a ProductDimensions object. Note that the ProductDimensions type must be defined in both the Products and Shipping subgraphs for this to be valid.

Resolving another subgraph's field

By default, exactly one subgraph is responsible for resolving each field in your supergraph schema (with some exceptions, like entity @key fields). But sometimes, multiple subgraphs are able to resolve a particular entity field, because all of those subgraphs have access to a particular data store. For example, an Inventory subgraph and a Products subgraph might both have access to the database that stores all product-related data.

You can enable multiple subgraphs to resolve a particular entity field. This is a completely optional optimization. When the gateway plans a query's execution, it looks at which fields are available from each subgraph. It can then attempt to optimize performance by executing the query across the fewest subgraphs needed to access all required fields.

You achieve this with one of the following directives:

Which directive you use depends on the following logic:

Only certain query paths
Can my subgraph always resolve this field,
or only from certain query paths?

If you aren't sure whether your subgraph can always resolve a field, see Using @provides for an example of a subgraph that can't.

Ensure resolver consistency

If multiple subgraphs can resolve a field, make sure each subgraph's resolver for that field behaves identically. Otherwise, queries might return inconsistent results to clients depending on which subgraph resolves the field.

This is especially important to keep in mind when making changes to an existing resolver. If you don't make the resolver changes to each subgraph simultaneously, clients might observe inconsistent results.

Common inconsistent resolver behaviors to look out for include:

  • Returning a different default value
  • Throwing different errors in the same scenario

Using @shareable

⚠️ Before using @shareable, see Ensure resolver consistency.

The @shareable directive indicates that a particular field can be resolved by more than one subgraph:

Products subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String! @shareable
price: Int
Inventory subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String! @shareable
inStock: Boolean!

In this example, both the Products and Inventory subgraphs can resolve This means that a query that includes might be resolvable by fetching from fewer total subgraphs.

If a field is marked @shareable in any subgraph, it must be marked @shareable or @external in every subgraph that defines it. Otherwise, composition fails.

Using @provides

⚠️ Before using @provides, see Ensure resolver consistency.

The @provides directive indicates that a particular field can be resolved by a subgraph at a particular query path. Let's look at an example.

Here, our Products subgraph defines a field and marks it @shareable (this means other subgraphs are allowed to resolve it):

Products subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String! @shareable
price: Int

Meanwhile, our Inventory subgraph can also resolve a product's name, but only when that product is part of an InStockCount:

Inventory subgraph
type InStockCount {
product: Product! @provides(fields: "name")
quantity: Int!
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String! @external
inStock: Boolean!

Here we're using two directives in combination: @provides and @external.

  • The @provides directive tells the gateway, "This subgraph can resolve the name of any Product object returned by InStockCount.product."
  • The @external directive tells the gateway, "This subgraph can't resolve the name of a Product object, except wherever indicated by @provides."

Rules for using @provides

  • If a subgraph @provides a field that it can't always resolve, the subgraph must mark that field as @external and must not mark it as @shareable.
    • Remember, a @shareable field can always be resolved by a particular subgraph, which removes the need for @provides.
  • To include a field in a @provides directive, that field must be marked as @shareable or @external in every subgraph that defines it.

Violating any of these rules causes composition to fail.

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Entities (basics)
Migrating from schema stitching